Summer Internship

Grow your ministry skills. Clarify your calling.
May 25 – August 7, 2025
Kalispell, Montana

This is not your average summer internship. Discover an intensive, fast-paced program designed to help you:

  • Gain practical, hands-on ministry experience
  • Grow your leadership and character
  • Develop clarity in your calling
  • Earn college credits

Join a crew of committed, passionate, and faith-filled 18–25 year olds focused on building the kingdom and seeing those stranded in sin find life and liberty in Jesus Christ.

Fresh Life Summer Interns

Equipping You for Leadership and Ministry

What if you could spend your summer:

  • Feeling challenged to lead at a high level?
  • Exploring the next step God is calling you into?
  • Forging more meaningful, life-long relationships?
  • Pushing the limits of your creative or ministry skills?
  • Stretching beyond your comfort zone to be used by God?

Start your application to launch on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to train in ministry.


– Haley W., Charlotte, North Carolina

"My internship experience was ideal. Coming to Montana, for me, was definitely taking a risk, and I do not regret it. The people and lasting friendships were the most impactful. Spending an entire summer devoted to ministry and friends under the big sky? I could not have asked for a better experience. Just do it! What do you have to lose?"

Choose Your Track

Explore our 10 internship tracks to find your right fit.

Young woman and man laughing

Campus Leadership


  • Help new guests integrate into the Fresh Life community
  • Follow up with new believers to help them get connected
  • Equip and empower volunteer leaders as they serve
  • Support Fresh Life Groups, Impact Teams, etc.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Solid communication and relational skills
  • Drive to learn and a coachable spirit
  • Humble self-confidence
  • Willingness to serve
  • Sense calling to serve in vocational church ministry



  • Help plan and manage big events
  • Create/promote multi-campus volunteer opportunities
  • Share story content from our outreach partners
  • Perform administrative tasks (meeting notes, email, event to-dos, etc.)

Preferred Qualifications

  • Heart to see and meet peoples’ needs
  • Drive to learn and coachable spirit
  • Willingness to serve
  • Fun-loving spirit
  • Openness to jump in wherever needed



  • Serve in Fresh Life Kids on the weekends
  • Assist in preparing weekend supplies for campuses
  • Help plan and assist with Kids events and projects
  • Help create online Kids content

Preferred Qualifications

  • Appreciation for kids
  • Fun-loving spirit
  • Creative thinking
  • Collaborative mindset
  • Willingness to do tedious or repetitive tasks



  • Help plan and execute church-wide youth events
  • Plan, prep, and assist at the MVMNT Conference in August
  • Help manage Fresh Life Youth social channels
  • Perform administrative tasks as needed

Preferred Qualifications

  • Coachable and humble spirit
  • Prior student ministry experience
  • Positive presence on social media
  • Basic administrative skills
  • Consistent devotional life



  • Assist with photography at church events and worship experiences
  • Develop creative content for the church
  • Help with graphics, video production, and editing
  • Support the Fresh Life social media channels

Preferred Qualifications

  • Basic understanding of Adobe Creative Suite
  • Experience in the creative fields
  • Drive to learn and coachable spirit
  • Able to work well both independently and on a team
  • Able to manage multiple responsibilities at one time



  • Attend weekly worship practice and other training classes
  • Assist at weekend worship experiences, including setup and tear down
  • Communicate with worship team leads and coaches
  • Support our songwriting and participate in Bootcamp

Preferred Qualifications

  • Flexible
  • Servant’s heart
  • Talent and growth in musical ability
  • Leadership potential and spiritual maturity
  • Able to work well both independently and as a team



  • Operate camera, switcher, audio mixer, lighting, and production equipment
  • Edit videos for weekend worship services
  • Help design, build, and operate various stage design elements
  • Organize equipment and resources; help set up and tear down at services and events

Preferred Qualifications

  • Basic knowledge of audio console
  • Basic understanding of editing software
  • Drive to learn and coachable spirit
  • Ability to learn at a fast pace
  • Capable of taking on more physically-rigorous jobs



  • Developing group retreats, travel plans, and team events
  • Answering church correspondence
  • Event planning and management
  • Creating new curriculum for young adults
  • Working with our marketing department to develop strategies and systems

Preferred Qualifications

  • Solid communication and relational skills
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Some experience in event planning
  • Some experience within college ministry



  • Event planning and management – specifically MVMNT Conference and Staff Summit
  • Administrative tasks such as brainstorms, working with Google documents and spreadsheets, maintaining a budget, communication correspondence, and executing to-do lists
  • Assist in leading teams and volunteers

Preferred Qualifications

  • Willingness to stretch yourself, drive to learn, an eye for detail, and a flexible spirit.
  • A heart for serving people and building relationships- whether within the church or community.
  • An ability to work collaboratively as well as independently.
  • Ability to manage time and stay organized

College Ministry


  • Equip and empower full-time volunteers as they serve
  • Develop local relationships
    Help young adults develop their skills and integrate into the Fresh Life community
  • Work with the Fresh Life creative team to reach a global audience
  • Develop curriculum for spiritual development
  • Support relationships with regional and national educational organizations

Preferred Qualifications

  • Leadership Experience
  • Communication and relational skills
  • Ability to manage multiple responsibilities at one time
  • Comfortable in your own skin
  • Resilient

Additional Details

During your 2 ½ months as a Fresh Life Summer Intern at our Kalispell campus, you can expect to:

  • Serve in your department Sunday through Thursday
  • Grow in disciplines such as fasting and prayer
  • Complete coursework for college credit
  • Possibly travel with your department
  • Serve at church-wide events
  • Participate in weekly exercise


Fresh Life interns are not paid. To cover your summer costs, we encourage you to budget for three months of expenses and start saving funds or fundraising. Our goal is for you not to have to worry about finances while you’re interning with us—so you can participate fully in ministry and get the most out of the experience.

We do not offer housing and encourage you to search Craigslist, Airbnb, and VRBO for rentals in the Flathead Valley (Kalispell, Whitefish, Bigfork, Evergreen, Somers, and Lakeside). 

Fresh Life Church members often offer discounted or rent-free housing to interns; these are considered on a case-by-case basis. Once you’re accepted into the program, please let us know immediately if you’d like to be considered for these options, as available. 

We also recommend you have a vehicle to get around; public transportation is not well-established in Kalispell.

Our summer internship is a non-degree program offering 3 college credit hours upon completion through Southeastern University (SEU), which partners with Fresh Life Church to host an instructional site on our Kalispell campus.

The fee for earning 3 college credit hours is $299.

As an intern, you’ll work 28 hours Monday through Thursday as well as 12 hours on Sunday. Mondays will be spent working with other interns to complete your SEU coursework if you’re receiving college credits, and the remainder of the week will be spent in your specific department. You’ll also serve before, during, and after special church-wide events. As needed, you might also travel with your department.

We require international applicants to provide documentation of the proper work visa before being accepted into the program. Each applicant is responsible for ensuring their work eligibility in the USA.


We’d love to help!

House an Intern

Extend your hospitality by applying to house an intern in the Flathead Valley.