
Pastor Jennie Lusko looks at another one of the wounds of Jesus in our series, The Wonderful Cross, and shows us that because Jesus wore the crown of thorns, we can wear the crown of life.

- Part 6

Main Scripture: Mark 14:65

We often don’t see it coming when pain and hardship come our way, but Jesus knew what was coming for Him–torture, pain, mockery, shame, nakedness, ridicule, and death–and did it voluntarily, vicariously, and victoriously!

gery of the angel in Revelation standing strong with one foot on land and the other on the sea, we see the balance between controlling what we can and trusting God with what we can’t. We’re learning that even in the face of chaos, we can choose to stay on the right path, and do what we can with what is in our control while we wait for Jesus to return.

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