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Can I experience an “abundant life” when my relationship status doesn’t look like I expected? Is marriage the only way to experience the full life God has for me?

- Part 1

Main Scripture: John 10:10

In this message from Annie F. Downs, we explore the truth that both singleness and marriage are gifts from God, each offering unique opportunities to live a wildly abundant life. Discover why singleness is not a setback, why marriage is not the only Biblical path to fulfillment, and how abundant life is available to you in Christ, no matter your circumstances. Don’t wait for “someday”—your abundant life starts today.


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Fresh Life Church was pioneered by Pastors Levi and Jennie Lusko in 2007. We exist to see those stranded in sin find life and liberty in Jesus Christ. Today Fresh Life’s ministry impacts people with the radical, life-changing message of Jesus’ grace, spilling across Montana, Oregon, Utah, Wyoming, and Idaho… and beyond.